Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Eminem - Not Afraid

Bismillahirahmanirrahim... Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

Im Not Afraid - EmineM

I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road


Yeah, It's been a ride...
I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one
Now some of you might still be in that place
If you're trying to get out, just follow me
I'll get you there

(Verse 1)

You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em
But you won't take this thing out these words before I say 'em
Cause ain't no way I'm let you stop me from causing mayhem
When I say 'em or do something I do it, I don't give a damn
What you think, I'm doing this for me, so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if a thing's stopping me
I'mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony
No if ands or buts don't try to ask him why or how can he
From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he's still shit'n
Whether he's on salary, paid hourly
Until he bows out or he shit's his bowels out of him
Whichever comes first, for better or worse
He's married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas
His gift is a curse, forget the earth he's got the urge
To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe


I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road

(Verse 2)
Ok quit playin' with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap
I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it's a rap
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you're getting capped
And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back
I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact
Let's be honest, that last Relapse CD was "ehhhh"
Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground

Relax, I ain't going back to that now
All I'm tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW
Cause I ain't playin' around
There's a game called circle and I don't know how
I'm way too up to back down
But I think I'm still tryna figure this crap out
Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't
This fucking black cloud still follow's me around
But it's time to exercise these demons
These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!


I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road


And I just can't keep living this way
So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage
I'm standing up, Imma face my demons
I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground
I've had enough, now I'm so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now

(Verse 3)

It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
Admittedly I probably did it subliminally for you
So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through
And don't even realise what you did, believe me you
I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger
I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of
My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead
No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise
To focus soley on handling my responsibility's as a father
So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it
You couldn't lift a single shingle on it
Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club
Or the corner pub and lift the whole liquor counter up
Cause I'm raising the bar, I shoot for the moon
But I'm too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and


I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road

notakaki :: this is awesome song that gimme more support to achieved what i want for now, so, im still here la, IM NOT AFRAID of you !

Gua Makan Vavi !

Bismillahirahmanirrahim...Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

entri agak kasar. so, bawah umur, takyah baca, tapi kalau nak baca gak, lantak kaw la.

Gua sekarang kerja kat satu kompeni makanan segera, semua makanan akan dicipta dan kemudian akan ditaster sebelum dipacking. Gua dapat jadi taster. Tapi, apasal gua sorang je melayu ?

Semalam macam biasa gua masuk office and pastu duduk kat kerusi depan lappy, nak comment macam biasa. Mula2 gua test ayam goreng, boleh la, pastu daging kambing, then bebola ikan, pastu daging burger ayam, last sekali... BEBOLA BABI SPICY ! Darn. gua rasa macam apa ntah, nak rasa ke tak ni, kang tak rasa kena buang keje lak. Then, tiba2 ada sorang kakak ( kakak ke ? ) namanya lia, dia selamber rock je makan. Gua cakap la,
"Lia, apa rasa ? Sedap ka ? Boleh makan ka ?"

"Boleh la, apasal tak boleh pulak ?"

"Apasal tak boleh pulak ? Tu kan BABI, spicy tuhh ! kan pedas (bodoh tak) ?"

"Takpe, lia suka pedas2, hehehe"

Gua terus la makan. SEDAP DOE ! ULANG SUARA ! SEDAP DOEEEEE !!!!! Okay, mesti korang pelik kan, weyh2, gua islam la, sembahyang tak tinggal kowt (sumpah tipu). Then, after that, macam biasa la, komen... Ini komen gua...

Ayam goreng :: sangat rangup, rasa dagingnya cukup masak, tepung terlalu banyak, kurangkan, lain kali mintak sos boleh ?
Daging kambing :: pedas, tapi sedap, black pepper bhai ! i loiiike~
Bebola ikan :: macam biasa kat pasar lambak taman utama. kena bayar ke tak ni ?
Daging burger ayam :: ni satu lagi, mana sos ? 

Ok, after that, lia ajak aku gi dating lepak. Dia explain lar, cakap yang tadi kita makan semua bukan daging ! WTFFFFFFFFF ! Tu semua sayur la, produk untuk vegetarian. Errrrrrrr... Gua tak caya seyh... Lia cakap lagi, sedap kan ? Macam daging betul. Tapi tu semua sebenarnya sayur, tepung, keropok dan beberapa bahan kimia. Demn... gua ingat gua dah murtad dah. Btw, tengs lia, sayang kaw ~ eh2. Takpe, kaw mulakan dulu masa balik semalam. Ngengade nak hantar aku balik pulak kaw ye, gua boleh naik bas la. Tapi hujan, gua tertinggal bas, sial betul. Then, angel sorang ni datang la sengih2. Belum sempat dia ajak, gua terus masuk kereta dia. Boleh plak tu dia tanya, nak gi mana nih ? Siot gile. Gua cakap la, anta gua gi rumah mak gua. Tibe2 dia menggedik, alaaa, merajuk ke ? Dalam hati gua rasa nak lempang je budak sorang ni, pakal je gua sayang muka comel dia tuh. Then, sampai rumah gua boleh plak dia turun kereta jumpa mak gua. Siap borak2 pukul2 manja tuh. Sial. Ambik kesempatan. Gua terus masuk bilik gua open lappy, bukak lagu pasang speaker kuat2, lagu waliband. korang tau lah lagu apa.

Then, si lia ni call gua malam semalam, pukul 1200. Boleh tidur ke tak ? Gua cakap la, tak, ingat kat awak. Lia gelak2, pastu aku tidur dan si lia terus bercakap sampai la abes supersaver dia. hahaha. dapat mesej tadi. Tidur ke ? Sampai hati. Cis !

notakaki :: gua rasa penat menaip. tangan sakit, camne nak main mesej ngn kaw ni lia, tak payah la ok. hahahahahahahahahahaha